Our team is doing a Bible study together called “Experiencing God” by Henry and Richard Blackaby. Today the lesson, “A Turning Point” was one that struck such a chord with me that I had to share some thoughts. This captures what the lesson is about: “When God invites you to join Him in His work, He has a God-sized assignment for you. You will quickly realize you cannot do what He is asking on your own. If God doesn’t help you, you will fail.”
Yesterday I was doing some planning for our 2013 Mission Trips to Costa Rica. The thought came to me that we needed to formally map out all the projects we are planning and determine how much money we’ll need to raise to accomplish them. Last year we took on projects as we had funds donated. This year we’ve taken on projects where we feel God leading us and we’re depending on Him to show us how to get it done. Coming from the business world, I have to laugh a little bit as I think how crazy this would seem to some people.
One of the questions in my study this morning asked how do you handle those decision points in life when you have to decide if you trust God enough to move forward with something that you know you cannot possibly accomplish on your own?
That hit me like a smack on the head. This theme has been popping out at me in scripture over and over in the last year, so I guess God wants me to hear it loud and clear. I’ve been a Christian for many years and most of those years I’ve been focused on doing things in the areas that I felt God has gifted me. While there’s nothing wrong with that, in some ways I realize how much I’ve been leaving God out of the loop. Hey God, thanks for allowing me to have a singing voice and some spiritual gifts that will be helpful to others. I’ll go off and serve you with those. See ya later.
How often does this happen? I bet a lot of people are walking through life doing the very same thing. Not only do we miss out on some amazing things God has for us to do, we miss out on the absolute joy of experiencing what He can do through us that it so obviously not of our own doing, but through His power. It’s an exciting ride. Get on board!
“It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” ~ Phillippians 2:13
Post by Cate Rader