So Many Great Things Happening

Have you ever had those times when so many large positive things are happening that you can’t keep up?  That’s been happening to Matrix Ministries for the last several weeks.

First, we had the largest end of year donation season in our history.  With the donations given, we will be able to recover from past fixed income shortfalls, and we are in a good position for running the ministry for 2014.  Thank you so much to all who jumped in to help with that campaign.

Recently we started promoting a February mission trip to Costa Rica (we leave in 2 weeks – add us to your prayer list 😉 to help a partner pastor with a roofing project for his new church.  Let me summarize:

  • This will be our 1st project with Pastor Oscar.
  •  Thanks to our FFO volunteers and The Brook partners, the funds came through BIG time for the materials (see my last blog).
  • We have a team of 5 going on the trip.
  • One is a MM Costa Rica Trip veteran (this will be her 3rd trip).
  • One has been on mission trips with me before to another country.  1st time on a Costa Rica mission trip.
  • One is a new, but very committed Fences for Orphans volunteer.  That means he personally helped raised the funds for the materials with his manual labor here at home.  Now he gets to go put hands-on the building in Costa Rica.  He is also a retired missionary from Ecuador where he and his wife served for 21 years.  And, he’s fluent in Spanish.  This man is Acts 1:8!
  • First time on a Costa Rica mission trip.We are staying at Casa de Lucas for the 1st time.  A week with Pastor Steve and Angela.  😉
  • I got to have breakfast with a young local couple from McKinney who are considering becoming missionaries to Costa Rica who were considering coming on the trip (maybe next time).  Loved hearing their story and heart.

I am so excited about this trip.  A lot of firsts.  We’re going to have a great time.  Not too late to jump in.  Contact me if you want to go!

Yesterday, I received news that a proposed trip we’ve been working on with Cookson Hills Children’s Ministry is a GO.  If you remember, we took a team of 5 to Cookson Hills last Fall to work on new children’s home construction there.  However, this one is a reverse trip.  This time, Matrix Ministries is taking a team of Cookson Hills High School Seniors to Costa Rica.  We’ll be spending time the orphanage (Hogar de Vida) we partner with there, as well as staying at Casa de Lucas and working with a local church.

BTW – We have a Cookson Hills Mission Trip coming up in March where we will travel again to NE Oklahoma to do additional work on their new children’s homes.  Stay tuned for a communication and signup opportunities for that trip.  March 16 – March 22.  Cost will be $300 and includes all expenses.

A thought – Is it LOVE without SACRIFICE, or just CONVENIENT SERVICE?

~ Ray Young